Canadian Marine Contractors lnc. is committed to providing exceptional services to their clients, while also acknowledging other interested parties, through the implementation of an effective QHSE management system that ensures conformance to requirements resources to plan and achieve quality objectives, and a system for continual improvement. Ownership and Management recognize the right of workers to work in a safe and healthy environment, and is committed to the following:
We will achie\re this by using the best available information and experience in a constructive and aggressive program to assess and control hazards to health, life and property. Meeting, and where appropriate, exceeding applicable standards and legislation.
While we want to have our workplace in full compliance with current legislation, it is equally important to motivate our people to think, practice and feel a personal responsibility for QHSE. Building a proactive culture by driving ownership of QHSE at the individual, managerial and organizational levels. Engaging and training our people and actively encouraging participation.
Providing the necessary resources to implement an effective QHSE management system. BUSINESS INTEGRATION
Managing QHSE considerations into our short and long-term business decisions. lncorporate QHSE programs into plans at an early stage when developing new services or operations by embracing QHSE awareness and actively engaging and training our people.
Establishing meaningful metrics to monitor our QHSE performance and using these metrics to set goals for continuous improvement. Annually reviewing Canadian Marine Contractors performance in implementing this policy and updating, as required
Undertake specific environmental strategies to: Engage sustainable initiative where applicable; Avoid the pollution of land, water or air; Protect biodiversity where this is under threat Minimize waste (reduce, reuse, recycle); Develop and maintain contingency plans to deal with possible environmental accidents or other risks;
Ensure that Canadian Marine Contractors employees, suppliers, contractors are aware of this policy, and of their individual responsibilities; Ensure adequate training to Canadian Marine Contractors employees; Limiting use of greenhouse gases by use of low emission technologies;
Driving less or carpooling and use of renewable energy; Recycled renewable material or energy efficient products; Vehicles and equipment maintained in good condition; Energy and water conservation initiatives.
Managers and Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. They are responsible to ensure that machinery, equipment, and work areas are kept clean and safe, and that employees receive adequate training to protect their personal health and safety.
Every employee must protect their own health and safety and sustainable working environment. This is accomplished by working in compliance with the law and in accordance with safe work practices and procedures established by Canadian Marine Contractors and its stakeholders. Reporting all unsafe and unhealthy working conditions is a proactive measure that must be undertaken by everyone.
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